Monday, June 28, 2021

Life Expectancy, Father’s Day, Tesla Accident, Trump Still Fuming, Nature & Nurture, Giuliani, Sundry News, Ortega Doubles Down


As those of us who are vaccinated emerge tentatively from pandemic lockdown, it feels rather awkward at first to walk outside without a mask or even to smile at a passing stranger on the sidewalk. Not surprisingly, US average life expectancy has fallen during the last year.

            A young boy in Honduras, for whom I’d been asked to bring a special small-size wheelchair next time, has passed away. Several Honduran youngsters I’ve helped over the years have died, something I’ve not witnessed among children here in the US. I’m not sure yet when I will be able to go back to Honduras, as vaccination there has been spotty at best and the medical brigades that I assist are not yet up and running again, though the need remains. Here is a wheelchair I plan to take next time, whenever I do go back to Honduras again.
[Excuse font and spacing changes, I try to make to make them uniform.]

Because I searched for wheelchairs on line, I’m now being bombarded with wheelchair ads. My sister who refuses to connect with the internet has so much greater personal privacy!


My younger daughter, who visited recently from Hawaii, told me about a freak accident in their Tesla, which she and her husband had bought after an accident in their previous car. A Tesla avoids head-on collisions, but, in this case, an errant driver plowed his car right into the passenger side of their Tesla, so no way to dodge that.


Belated Father’s Day greetings!

I still miss my Dad and sent a card to my son, the only father in my life right now.


On Father’s Day, before a round of golf with Sen. Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump emitted this terse holiday greeting, “Happy Father's Day to all, including the Radical Left, RINOs, and other Losers of the world.” So, who’s the sore loser?


While I was listening to FM radio last Sat. evening, the station suddenly switched over to Trump’s Ohio rally where he was in full campaign mode, boasting, “We won the election twice,” and predicting “giant Republican majorities next year.” MyPillow lackey Mike Lindell and others were in prominent attendance. The Trump hardcore may be getting smaller, but it’s still fervent. Many expect Trump to return as president in August. Melania has opted out these days, not going with Trump in New Jersey this summer. Apparently, she never agreed to keep on publicly supporting him once he was out of office.


Mail delivery has been noticeably unreliable ever since Trump’s DeJoy took over as Postmaster General. My daughter in Florida received a Mother’s Day card from me, but one mailed at the same time to my granddaughter living a few doors away never arrived. Then, just now, an urgent Priority Mail item mailed at 9 am Monday morning didn’t arrive until Friday afternoon, past the time when it was needed. Things like this didn’t happen as often before DeJoy. Can his term be cut short?

While Hungary, African nations, and Muslim majority countries may stigmatize or punish gay orientation and unions, the latter will still exist within their borders. However, the question is, to what extent? That’s complicated. Nature and nurture both play a part. When my late brother was working as an architect in Saudi Arabia, he was surprised to receive sexual overtures from Saudi men who may have been either gay or merely prevented from coupling with women.

Strongly anti-gay social attitudes do discourage folks experiencing same-sex attractions from open expression, as previously was and still is true in our own society. Likewise, a more permissive culture may not only allow, but perhaps even encourage, same-sex unions. For any given individual, expression of sexual orientation depends on both an inner drive and the surrounding social environment, as with the personal expression of almost any emotion or feeling. Members of religious cloisters have shown that immersion with likeminded fellows can result in the suppression of many common human emotions and behaviors.

Back in the day, well-bred young American women did not engage in sex before marriage, but times have changed. It’s a truism that sexual and emotional expression depends not only on an individual’s inner drive and feelings but also on the social environment, so that less permissive cultures can and do suppress emotions and behaviors readily expressed elsewhere. In that respect, more repressive cultures may prove somewhat successful not only in suppressing certain outward behaviors, but also in actually suppressing some individuals’ subjective feelings. So, it’s entirely rational from their perspective for Hungary’s leadership and that of some other nations to try to suppress “gay rights,” efforts which may actually not be entirely unsuccessful, at least for now. And the interplay of individual feelings/aspirations within particular social and community environments helps explain the sharp political and social divisions within our own country. 

Right now, South Africa, which allows polygamy (one man with several wives), is debating whether to extend that to polyandry (one woman with several husbands). An 84-year-old Nigerian man with 86 wives advises against having so many.

The South African woman claiming to have given birth to 10 babies was found to have lied and was taken against her will to a psychiatric hospital.

Reuters -Rudy Giuliani's law license in New York state was suspended on Thursday, as a state appeals court found he had lied in arguing that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from his client, former U.S. President Donald Trump. 

Giuliani, 77, a former U.S. Attorney in Manhattan and New York City mayor, was sanctioned for making unsubstantiated claims in court, testimony before lawmakers, press conferences and other media appearances about electoral fraud. 

The five-justice Appellate Division in Manhattan found "uncontroverted" evidence that Giuliani made "demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public" in trying to overturn the election, which Democrat Joe Biden won. The court said Giuliani made numerous false statements about the voting in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania, including that hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots or votes, including from dead people, had been improperly counted. [It’s about time!]

NBC News, Almost no one in the Western hemisphere's poorest country has been vaccinated for Covid [Haiti]

NY Times, Hundreds More Unmarked Graves Found at Former Residential School in Canada An Indigenous group said the remains of as many as 751 people, mainly children, had been found in unmarked graves on the site of a former boarding school in Saskatchewan.

BBC News, Mass grave containing the remains of 215 children has been found in Canada at a former residential school set up to assimilate indigenous people. The children were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978.


AP, US to review Native American boarding schools’ dark history The federal government will investigate its past oversight of Native American boarding schools and work to “uncover the truth about the loss of human life and the lasting consequences” of policies that over the decades forced hundreds of thousands of children from their families and communities, U.S. Interior Secretary Deb Haaland announced Tuesday. [There were more than 350 government-funded Indian Boarding schools across the US in the 19th and 20th centuries. Haaland is a member of New Mexico’s Laguna Pueblo tribe.]


The Nobel Peace Prize awarded Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Amed has certainly become tarnished.

Miami Herald, More Cuban migrants land in the Florida Keys, but they likely won’t stay for long

Tue, June 22, 2021

Nicaragua’s most prominent journalist has fled the country for a second time after police raided his house during a widening crackdown on opposition figures by the country’s Sandinista rulers. Carlos Fernando Chamorro, the editor of the Confidencial website and a member of one of the country’s most influential political families, said on Tuesday he had left the Central American country to “safeguard his freedom”.

Nineteen people, including Chamorro’s sister and four other potential candidates in November’s presidential elections have been arrested in what the US state department has called a “campaign of terror”, as President Daniel Ortega systematically clears the field of potential challengers. Many of the detainees have been held under sweeping legislation granting the government the power to classify citizens as “traitors to the homeland”.

Majority say abortions should only be permitted during first                     trimester: Poll, Washington Examiner

[In fact, that’s when the majority of abortions in the US actually occur. Only a majority of Democrats in the survey supported first-trimester abortions, while a majority of Republicans opposed all abortions. A majority of both parties opposed 3rd trimester abortions. Public opinion on abortion has not changed perceptively since Roe, while it has moved relatively quickly on gay rights, gay marriage, and premarital sex. I believe that’s because 2 “rights” are involved in abortion, not just that of the pregnant woman but also of the unborn.]

Again, someone out there knows I speak Spanish. It’s spooky.

Atención especializada, como debe de ser

Nos especializamos en tratar enfermedades. Y somos reconocidos por detectar los problemas antes de que sean graves, y por descubrir maneras nuevas y mejores de tratarlos, si se agravan.


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Flower Power, Good riddance both to Trump & Netanyahu, China Lab leak? Amnesty News, Raccoon Update

Apologies for the location of the previous posting, which is out of order. When I discovered it had been left as a draft some time ago, I uploaded it, but it has appeared now, not it its rightful place. Also, please excuse odd spacing near the end of this posting. Trying to fix it would only make it worse. 
Back to the present day. Before getting into the nitty gritty, I’ll share a few photos I took of flowers around my immediate neighborhood. Living in proximity to the capitol now has its challenges, thanks to Mr. Trump, but my neighbors and I still try to make our front yards look welcoming. Now that we can walk outside without masks, it's nice to breathe fresh air and enjoy all the flowers. 

Business Insider, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely claims Trump will be 'our real president' in 6 months

Lindell also has said Trump is the only president not “in it for the ego.”

[Is he trying to sell more pillows? His sales must have fallen off.]

NBC, Nearly a third of GOP say Trump likely to be reinstated

Why keep this scam going about Trump’s immanent return to the presidency? Didn’t the attack on the capitol do enough damage? Yet, I can bear personal witness that some folks in both Texas and W Va. still expect Trump’s triumphant return to office. Why do we have so many seriously misguided fellow Americans? It’s more than just a political difference, it’s frankly delusional. Even Trump finally admitted in a recent interview, “We didn’t win.” He never enjoyed majority support, even during his presidency, which shows the folly of an electoral system that allows a loser to “win” via the Electoral College.


Mr. Trump says he’s now writing his own blockbuster memoir about his greatest-of-all-time presidency and has had 2 offers from major publishers, though no one seems able to confirm this. His book will doubtless double-down on the narrative of a “stolen” election. Trump could even write gibberish and his cult followers would buy his book. He would certainly insist on a profit-sharing deal with any publisher. Meanwhile, Mike Pence and son-in-law Jared have both inked big book deals, to Trump’s certain envy.


Rep. Adam Schiff notes that Donald Trump has indicated interest in running for Congress in Florida and replacing Nancy Pelosi as House Speaker. If he should happen to win a seat, would he say the election was rigged? Trump has said that his first priority in Congress would be the impeachment of President Joe Biden. He is out for blood, a nightmare scenario. But, at least, we all have now been forewarned, so we need to mount a full-court press to head off such a dreadful eventuality. We are only too well aware of how destructive Donald Trump can be in office, making it imperative to prevent his election again to any office and assuring that Republicans don’t gain a majority in either chamber of Congress as long as he is still alive.


President Biden gave a refreshingly coherent press conference after his meeting with Putin, in contrast to Trump’s famously chaotic appearances. Trump was so terrible that now Biden, just a normal guy, seems like a really great president.


Trump’s former physician is asking Biden to take a cognitive test, all well and good, if Trump takes it first under the administration of a neutral party. As Trump described the cognitive test that he “aced” while in office, I recognized a routine dementia screening test I was given by my health care provider. A man so mentally and emotionally challenged deserves our sympathy, but not license to visit chaos on our nation and the world.


Putin has been depicting America as a fading power, mirroring the demise of his own country. Trump and Covid have definitely brought us down, but a further decline is not inevitable. If our country does decline either relative to other powers or absolutely, it will be because we have too many uninformed and rigid-thinking fellow citizens, too many Trump followers, meaning that the rest of us have not done our duty.


Good riddance to Mr. Netanyahu, another leader whose departure is welcome! Israelis have been out celebrating. Meanwhile, Netanyahu is still standing fast, not moving out of the official residence.

NY Times, Israel's New Coalition Takes First Steps, Including Mending Fences With U.S.


A Methodist Hospital in Texas, requiring its employees to be vaccinated, is facing legal challenges by those alleging infringement on their rights. Such a requirement is not arbitrary, rather, quite reasonable to protect vulnerable patients, nor do workers have a right to employment there. A local hospital where I once worked as an on-call Spanish interpreter had vaccination requirements for us as well as for regular staff.


ABC News/Washington Examiner, Evidence mounts Wuhan lab studied live bats despite denials

If Covid, which has sickened and killed so many around the world and created so much economic havoc, actually escaped from a Wuhan lab, the Chinese government will do everything in its power to prevent this from ever seeing the light of day.


Gun killings in the US are becoming an escalating epidemic. Many are probably copycat crimes. 


A man in NC, Charles Ray Finch, was found not to have committed the capital crime for which he was almost executed and for which he served 41 years, another example of one reason why many of us oppose the death penalty.


A South African Woman Claims She Gave Birth to a Record 10 Babies. Their ‘Dad’ Thinks It’s a Hoax. [He says he’s never even seen the babies.]


Good news! See Amnesty Int’l Outcome UA 055/21 on prisoner of conscience Luis Manuel Otero, a member of the San Isidro Movement, who was released on 31 May 2021 without any charges presented against him nor conditions for his release. At Amnesty, we will continue to monitor his situation.

Cuba is developing Covid vaccines. A friend with close access to Cuban information sources tells me: Cuba might transfer its vaccine technology with a licensing fee to other countries. Iran, Mexico, Argentina, Venezuela, and Kenya have expressed interest. The export and transferring of the technology of Cuban vaccines will become an important source of foreign exchange for the island during the second semester of 2021.

Dominico-Haitians Are

#StillStateless: The Plight of Dominicans of Haitian Descent

Miami Herald, Four Cubans land on Marathon beach, continuing migrant wave to Florida


Miami Herald, Haiti already had a child hunger problem. Now COVID and gang clashes are making it worse.

    Looking out our windows on a recent evening, we saw a mother raccoon with 3     young ones, plus 2 males fighting, on an adjacent roof. They all scurry around     between adjacent houses, thanks to a handy tree in between. The tree can be     removed, but not while the raccoons might be marooned on a rooftop. They do     provide an entertaining spectacle and the offspring might be considered cute if     the whole bunch didn’t make us feel so trapped inside our own home. I still        have not figured out the most effective, cost-effective, and humane way to            tackle this problem, the first time it has arisen in the more than half-century        I’ve lived in my venerable house. Last year, the dead maple tree provided a        major logistical and financial challenge. This year’s big home owner’s problem     comes from raccoons! With beady eyes staring out from their furry faces,           

they almost seem to be mocking us.


      Once again, while my modest book sales on Amazon mainly enrich Amazon, a little extra goes to a small educational charity for kids in developing countries selected by me and other authors.


        Dear Barbara Joe, This is the quarterly notification to inform you that       AmazonSmile has made a charitable donation to the charity you’ve selected, Pencils of Promise, in the amount of $54,854.98 as a result of qualifying purchases made by customers who have selected this charity.


Friday, June 18, 2021

Daughter’s Auto Accident, Trump (Alas, Still with Us), Hong Kong, Cuba, The Royals

THIS IS A VERY DELAYED POSTING FROM JANUARY 2020, which I had hoped would appear in its rightful place, but, instead is appearing now. The blog will soon get back on track. 

Experimenting now to see if a color heading will stay if originally posted in color. Previously, I’ve tried to change the color after the initial posting, which didn’t work.[So far, looks like color heading won't transfer,]

Some folks have gotten a sort of gobbledy-gook about European Union rules and computer cookies when trying to log onto this new website. I’m still working on the forced transition to this new web address, but for those able to access it, will now continue.  

In December, my younger daughter Stephanie, living in Honolulu, was the driver in an auto accident in which her car was totaled and which sent her briefly to the hospital. I am happy to say that she is now back at work. While she was recovering, she occupied herself with sewing projects, such as these gifts for friends. She used scraps of fashion designs expressing biology themes, as she works as a biologist.  

My younger grandson, Kingston, now age 4, lives with his mother and siblings in Hawaii. I haven’t seen him in person since he was one=year=old, but have talked with him by phone since and via Facebook. 

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Grandson Graduates in Texas, A Tribute, Andrew Yang, Israel-Palestine, Covid Update, Good Riddance Mr. Trump, Central America, Nicaragua Revisited, More on Cuba

My 18-year-old grandson, after quite a few years of no contact, surprised us by inviting members of my family to his Texas graduation from a small private Christian school, where apparently classes have been conducted mask-free throughout the pandemic. He was one of 21 students in his graduating class, participating in an elaborate ceremony conducted with caps and gowns, flag salutes, anthem singing, and many hymns and prayers. Although we had worn masks in-flight, masks were not so much in evidence in Texas. My older daughter, her daughter, and my 13-year-old great-grandson met me there from Florida. My Texas grandson has grown tall, now measuring 6’1”. We stayed in an Air B&B, rented a car, visited my friends in Austin, went to a theme park, viewed the bats flying out from under the bridge over the river at dusk, and then took a tour of downtown sights, all with my Texas grandson in tow. Our tour included the state capitol area while traveling in an open-air bus that plunged right down into the river, then cruised along the far shoreline to view luxury homes, while swans swam languidly in the river, including a mother swan followed by a row of cygnets. Surrounding palm trees showed drooping fronds from the recent freeze, but were already sprouting new greenery. Texan passengers, comparing our US capitol to theirs, seemed surprised to learn that the national capitol has been fenced off and that a riot had actually occurred there on Jan. 6. (I was a firsthand witness!) Overall, it was a memorable action-packed journey into a completely different world still within our own country. (Again, apologies for odd spacing, very hard to correct.)

In my role as Amnesty International (AI) USA’s volunteer chair for the Caribbean, I prepared testimony for the American Friends Service Committee in another state on behalf of a Cuban man in deportation proceedings. He would not fare well back in Cuba, not only because he has lived for many years in the United States, but because his father and brother were well-known human rights activists who had been imprisoned for their advocacy in Cuba. His father was once an Amnesty prisoner of conscience. It was therefore gratifying, after I had submitted expert witness testimony, to hear from his attorney that his deportation had been stayed. Often, after testifying in deportation cases, I never learn the final outcome. The same has been true when I’ve been a court interpreter. But this time, I was happy to hear, “We had our individual hearing in Mr. [name omitted]’s case. Mr. [X] testified well and credibly, and the judge granted him relief under the Convention Against Torture. He will be able to stay in the U.S., and he is being imminently released from detention to reunite with his family and begin the next phase of his life. I have no doubt that your compelling and well-written testimony played an important role in the court's decision, and I am grateful for your work for Mr. [X] and for other asylum seekers like him.”

At AI USA, as well as on Idealist, Peace Corps career center, Volunteer Match, and All the Good, we are recruiting for 2 new volunteers, each focusing on either on Haiti or the Dominican Republic, and also for a new AI USA Caribbean chair.  After 40 years volunteering with AI USA and 17 years as Caribbean chair, I’m planning to cut back to a working only on Cuba and to issuing a monthly Caribbean newsletter. That’s enough!

Having heard Andrew Yang give an extensive radio interview, he would have my vote if I were a New York City resident. NYC is now using ranked-choice voting. We’ll soon see how that goes.  

With Israel enjoying overwhelming military power, thanks to American taxpayers, that government should use that power with restraint, which did not appear to be happening this last time around. Because the Jewish people as a whole had suffered such horrendous casualties under the Nazis, they should be especially sensitive about inflicting ethnic violence on others, nor is the Holocaust still an excuse to give Israel a pass. It does seem that this last cycle of violence was triggered by Israel’s eviction of Palestinians from Jerusalem and blocking access to a mosque at the end of Ramadan. It has been quite a long time—the whole Trump administration--since Palestinians on the West Bank were offered any US assistance. Still, despite Israel’s control of materials entering Gaza, Palestinians were able to construct quite a few homemade rockets. Now with new martyrs having been created in Gaza, lasting peace seems ever more elusive. Biden, fearful of evoking pro-Israel defensiveness before next year’s Congressional elections, has been treading very lightly on Israel. There has been an anti-Semitic backlash against Jews in the US and elsewhere due to Israel’s actions against civilians in Gaza. Israel is not the only country in the Middle East aligned to a particular religion/ethnicity, but it purports to be a democracy. The Biden administration now seems to be walking a rather fine line, trying to take a more even-handed approach to Israel-Palestine than Trump did, but still avoiding angering Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, and American voters who might support them. 

There is renewed speculation that the Covid virus may have originated in a Wuhan lab after all, given that lab workers were apparently hospitalized with an unknown illness before the virus was officially recognized. If that might have happened, the Chinese government will do its level best to prevent any such information from ever seeing the light of day.

One of my daughters, who had Covid last August, is still experiencing alteration of taste and smell; she was quite thin when she visited me last fall. Now she has been visiting me again and is still eating very little. We usually don’t pay much attention to taste and smell among our senses. USA Today, Life-altering:' As millions cope with smell loss from COVID-19, researchers find new explanations and possible treatments,

Here are my daughter Stephanie, who made a surprise arrival from Hawaii  and my granddaughter Natasha, who also made a surprise visit from


I never know who will be walking in after the doorbell rings, but was very glad to see them both. Because of their arrival and the more extensive stay of my daughter, this blog posting was delayed and has grown rather long.

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights, which I saw on-stage in a Spanish-language version is now a motion picture actually shot on-site in Washington Heights itself.

A former visitor from Nepal wrote: About Nepal, yes we are having a bad time with the virus. Experts say we are very close to India per capita although, overall, India seems to have a higher number. To make matters worse, there is no certainty as to when vaccines will be imported into Nepal. So far, they have imported some vaccines in the form of aid from the Chinese but nobody knows their effectiveness. The ones that WHO distributed, developed by Oxford Astra Zeneca were used up by people high up and their relatives in a great, shameless show of abuse of power. But anyway, my family and I are taking all the precautions we can and, so far, we are doing good. 

In a local “progressive” Catholic congregation that I’ve sometimes attended in DC, the word on an upcoming ritual is to “change the references to ‘Father’ to a gender
neutral word such as ‘Creator’ or say ‘Father and Mother God.’” That would not happen in Texas, where, outside of Austin, we were deep into Southern Baptist country.

Do we still need to mention Donald Trump? His itchy twitter finger has been stilled and his longwinded blog has had few followers. He still makes outrageous statements with every opportunity, but fewer people may now be paying attention. He’s a nightmare that has mercifully evaporated at dawn’s early light, at least around here in Washington, DC, where Trump seems to have faded away completely from our fair city and our national government. Mr. Biden is now firmly in charge in Washington, DC. Those of us living here in the nation’s capital do feel palpable relief with that impetuous clown now gone, gone, gone, while his Trump Hotel sits forlornly empty. We never, ever want to see him to set foot in our city again. On Jan. 6, as local residents, we actually witnessed the mob attack on the capitol, too close for comfort, which he inspired and abetted, and now we see our capitol, the people’s house, all guarded and completely fenced off, thanks, or no thanks, to Donald Trump.

However, Mr. Trump is still alive and well in many parts of Texas where he remains the rightful president. He has lots of supporters there who continue to believe his claims of a “stolen” election. Likewise, in W. Va. where my son lives, I’ve encountered true believers still clinging tightly to Mr. Trump, even driving around with Trump holograms waving from their back windows. Trump supporters are unconcerned about that the rest of the world is heralding the end of Trump’s presidency, because who cares what outsiders think?

A groundhog recently appeared near my son’s home in W. Va., indicating that wildlife there remains alive and well. 

We also saw several deer running in unison, too fast to capture in a photo. The appearance of wild animals is reassuring, even though humans currently living in the area may be misguided.

Mr. Trump gave a speech in N. Carolina, where he referred to the Democrats’ “failed agenda” and labeled them as radicals and far-left socialists creating a “horrible, insane disorder.” He also blamed Dr. Fauci for the pandemic spread. Trump likes citing fake numbers and using superlatives with zero backup. His assumption of the US presidency, which he occupied chaotically for 4 years, gave his voters new oxygen and hopes of returning to the “good old days.” But now, in a national backlash against him, there may be more impetus for change, at least in some states, than if Hillary had actually taken office.

The Republican candidate for governor of Va. is trying not to tie himself too closely to Trump without outright repudiating him either. According to polls, a majority of Republican voters still believe that Biden’s record-shattering and definitive plurality of over 7 million votes actually was “stolen.” How? The proof? Merely that Donald Trump, actually sitting president at time of the election and then fully in charge of the whole damn country, has simply said so. How could even a minimally competent president have possibly allowed that to happen right under his nose? Nothing like that has ever been alleged before (until now), never once since the days of George Washington. Yet, in Arizona, where most voters had moved on, a drawn-out ballot recount continued.

Ballot recounts do sow doubts in election integrity. Probably no election is 100% error-free, but most errors are insignificant, certainly not totaling more than 7 million votes. Will mid-term results be accepted by Republicans only if their candidates win? Many Republicans elected or re-elected at the same time that Trump lost are not contesting their vote tallies. 

Those who still believe that the election was somehow mysteriously stolen from Mr. Trump also believe that leftwing agitators, not Trump supporters, stormed the capitol on Jan. 6. Donald Trump, the perpetrator of such lies, does not actually believe them himself.

Almost a quarter of Republicans believe Satan-worshiping pedophiles control the US government, media, and financial sector,

Book publishers are in a quandary about issuing Trump officials’ memoirs, which will certainly sell well among Trump supporters but will spark a big backlash otherwise. Mr. Trump has boasted that he is writing his own blockbuster memoir, “the book of all books,” but since he is virtually illiterate, he’s going to need some help.

Another mass shooting occurred, 10 people dead in San Jose, California, and numerous other fatal shootings since. No other developed country comes anywhere close to our own tally. Is the fabled “right to bear arms” really worth the cost?

Now Texas’s Republican lower House approved a bill to allow anyone to carry a firearm without a license and the governor promised to sign it, while on the same day, a woman taking her children to school was shot and killed by her estranged husband in San Antonio despite a protective order.

More trigger-happy mayhem in Texas: four members of a Texas family have been charged with murder after they killed their neighbor in a case of mistaken identity. According to local report, 29-year-old Eddie Clark III was chased, cornered, and shot to death by four members of a family who thought he was the person responsible for vandalizing their home, Associated Press, May 21, 2021

And in Florida, another state prioritizing “gun rights,” a 3-year-old boy shot his 2-year-old sister after finding a hidden gun. How many times does this story need to be repeated? Having a gun in the home is statistically much more dangerous than not having one at all. 

In Georgia, Neighbor shoots up couple’s home after not being invited to game night, Georgia cops say,


Yet there may be hope on the horizon:

NBC News, A quiet bipartisan effort on gun background checks may have a path to a deal,


In other news, Republican governors in 22 states are cutting back federal unemployment benefits to incentivize workers to take jobs that often pay less than before the pandemic. 

This next item caught my eye because my late ex-husband of 24 years was totally blind, so I was immersed for decades in the life of a blind person. I even learned to write and read Grade 1 braille (the simplest version). Even a blurry view of objects would have been quite useful to my ex. Blind Man’s Sight Is Partially Restored With Gene Therapy, Using a technique called optogenetics, researchers added light-sensitive proteins to the man’s retina, giving him a blurry view of objects.  NY Times, 5/27/2021

The decision was a win for immigrant activists and advocacy groups that have criticized the Biden administration for deporting Haitians during a period of heightened instability. (Washington Post, 5-23-2021)

Harris, Hispanic Caucus meet on Central America,


Vice President Harris Launches a Call to Action to the Private Sector to Deepen Investment in the Northern Triangle | The White House, FACT SHEET

VP Harris has a daunting task. Just telling people “Do not come,” as Harris has done, will have no effect. Stark economic differences between Central America and the US cannot be bridged, perhaps ever. (Even undocumented folks earning minimum wage in the US manage to send money back to their families in their home countries.) Continuing violence is also hard to remedy, though exporting fewer guns might help. Reinstating Peace Corps in the region would also make a modest difference, but countries would need to be safe enough for volunteers to return. Almost impossible to overcome is the longstanding myth of the USA as the promised land. It’s as strong today as when I first arrived in Honduras as a Peace Corps volunteer more than 20 years ago.

        Here is a repeat posting of collages of some of my Central                           American photos. There is poverty, yes, but also dignity and                        


Has Honduras become a 'narco-state'?

A lot of credible suspicion surrounds the president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández. Honduras is a relatively small country, both in area and population (almost 10 million). Word gets around there. Folks often know each other and are pretty aware of what others are doing. Heck, people there even know me, as I’ve found while volunteering at a hospital or even when boarding a bus and hearing someone shout out “¡Doña Bárbara!” or even “¡Doctora Bárbara!”

It's hard to believe his own brother was heavily involved in the drug trade and the president knew nothing about it.

El Salvador’s president has approved the use of Bitcoin in addition to the US dollar. It’s only matter of time before cyber currencies overtake so-called “hard” currencies, with money even now being rendered more in on-line bank balances than in tangible paper bills and metal coins.

About Nicaragua, where I was an election observer back in 1990 when Daniel Ortega was defeated in a surprise victory by Violeta Chamorro, I’m now feeling déjà vu. As recounted in my books, I was at Violeta’s home with former President Jimmy Carter when election returns came through on that long ago election evening. Now Violeta’s daughter Cristiana Chamorro is under house arrest and incommunicado to prevent her from running against Ortega, who managed to get into the presidency once again and refuses to give it up this time. On pages 80-81 of my Confessions book, you will find photos of me with Carter then and one I took of Violeta after her 1990 victory.

BBC News, Nicaragua government detains possible challengers to            Ortega

Miami Herald, I know Daniel Ortega. Trust me, sanctions alone won’t make this dictator hold free elections | Opinion


BBC News, Nicaragua government detains possible challengers          to Ortega


Miami Herald, Haiti police have become targets of gang violence as OAS mission heads to country

Miami Herald
, Biden administration weighs in on Haiti’s constitutional referendum: ‘We oppose’

AP, Haiti fights large COVID-19 spike as it awaits vaccines

Miami Herald, Coast Guard repatriates 20 Haitians after boat stopped 11 miles off Lake Worth



“Havana Syndrome,” a mysterious invisible set of long-lasting problems, has afflicted not only American and Canadian diplomats in Cuba, but also in China. At first, it was dismissed, but is now under serious scrutiny, although prevention and remedies are still elusive. Many US Embassy functions therefore have been moved to Guyana, causing tremendous hardship for Cuban visa applicants.  

The Week, The mystery of 'Havana syndrome',


Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, 

Biden forming new panels of experts to study ‘Havana syndrome’



Senate bill to provide payments to victims of mysterious "Havana syndrome" passes unanimously



Biden renews Trump determination Cuba 'not cooperating' on antiterrorism efforts,

NBC News, 2 dead, 10 missing after boat overturns near Key West, Florida,, Doha Madani, May 27, 2021At least two people have died and 10 others are missing after a boat from Cuba overturned off the coast of Florida. Eight people were rescued about 1 p.m. Thursday 16 miles southwest of Key West, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Multiple units are searching for the remaining passengers who were on the boat that flipped...

The Coast Guard said the eight who were rescued told them the group left Puerto de Mariel, Cuba, on Sunday, and capsized sometime Wednesday evening. Officials said the survivors were receiving food, water and basic medical attention aboard a Coast Guard cutter.


AP, Cuban baseball player defects after arriving in Florida,


AFP, Fourth member of Cuban baseball delegation defects 


On April 29, we in Amnesty International launched a worldwide campaign, The Eternal Flame, to support Cuban artists and others being seriously threatened, harrased, and detained by the government. After a November 2020 protest, the government subjected these individuals to state surveillance and house arrest. In March and April 2021, the Cuban’s government extended their surveillance to include approximately thirty activists. Not long ago, a Cuban artist  was forceably removed from his home and taken to a hospital by state security agents. [ZS1] [AF22] 

Why is one of Cuba's most rebellious artists still isolated in a government hospital?


New campaign for Cuba, #TheEternalFlame.

Also on the AI website, look for Cuba: Amnesty International and artist Erik Ravelo launch ‘The Eternal Flame’, a digital conceptual memorial in support of San Isidro Movement and freedom of expression

Also on the AI website see: The members of the San Isidro Movement are human rights defenders who stand to protect a very basic freedom, the right to peacefully express their minds and souls. 

Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas Director, Amnesty Int'l

And: This project represents the flame of freedom: a flame that never goes out, a contemporary action that never ends and that is kept alive by our solidarity with artists defending freedom of expression 

Erik Ravelo

Reuters, Cuban government ends leading dissident's hunger strike,

The San Isidro Movement led by Otero, a performance artist, is a dissident group that includes a few dozen artists, writers and activists. Members of the San Isidro Movement in November had staged a hunger strike against censorship and harassment of independent creators and activists by the Communist government. Police ended the hunger strike, prompting a rare protest by around 300 people in front of the Culture Ministry in Havana. Authorities since then have vilified members of the group as outside agitators working with the United States. Its members repeatedly have been temporarily detained and often told they cannot leave their homes, with communications cut. Otero was arrested a few weeks ago as he protested a Communist Party congress by sitting in a garrote. Authorities seized or destroyed some of his art. Later, he was taken to a hospital against his will.

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara: Cuban dissident's health stokes allies' fears,

Center for a Free Cuba (CFC). The life of opposition activist and independent artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara is in imminent danger in Cuba. State Security agents took him from his home on Sunday, May 2 and transferred him to the Calixto García Hospital located in the Cuban capital according to official sources, however, his real condition and location have not been confirmed by his family or close friends. This secretive situation has triggered the suspicion of human rights organizations and their defenders outside the Island, as well as within the country.

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