Wednesday, March 30, 2022

For Washington Gas—the customer is always wrong, Madeleine Albright, Clarence Thomas, Closing the Gender Pay Gap, Covid Death Divide, Firearms Deaths, Donald Trump, Birthdays, Hawaii Daughter’s Antics & Sewing Projects, Border Crossers, Latin America, My Nephew

I’ve had a long running feud with Wash. Gas. Unfortunately, the house was already equipped with gas appliances when we purchased it back in 1969, including water heater, dryer, furnace, stove, and oven. Gas was a big new thing in 1969, but no more. New construction in this city must now be all-electric. The company had threatened to cut off my gas service on March 15 unless I paid a bogus bill of over $900 before that date. Their meter was apparently not working properly some time ago. Company literature warns that the meter is their sole responsibility—don’t ever touch or tamper with the meter and keep it free of vines! Long after-the-fact, they came up with an arbitrary figure of what I “owe” because the company had not changed the meter for more than 50 years. During all those years and beyond, I’ve paid all bills in full and on time. Amazingly, the company has carried on this petty vendetta against a lone faithful customer for several years now, spending more on staff time than what I allegedly owe. I refuse to pay anything more without a hearing before a neutral arbiter and have asked for help from our local councilmember in light of the cutoff threat.


Washington Gas penalized more than $1 million for widespread customer service problems

Speaking of gas, anyone who listens to the Dragnet “true crime” stories on NPR on Sunday evenings realizes that convicted murderers were often executed in the California gas chamber in the late 1940s and ‘50s. Now California has a moratorium on executions.

I was sorry to learn that Madeleine Albright has left us. She was a woman of approximately my own age whose career I have long followed. She did a lot while she was with us, becoming a trailblazer for women in government.

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas might be able to argue that he knew nothing whatsoever of his wife’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, but now he can no longer claim ignorance and should recuse himself from any future cases related to that issue. Will he do so? Probably not, just as he may have blatantly lied during his confirmation hearings many years ago. Simply because someone occupies a high office does not guarantee their integrity. In too many cases, they have achieved that office by subterfuge and cheating.

Women under 30 have now closed the gender pay gap and are earning as much or MORE than men in 22 areas while national gap has dropped to 18 cents for every dollar, research reveals

·         A Pew Research Center study published Monday concluded that in at least 22 American cities women under 30 are making at least as much as men

·         In the New York City and Washington DC metro areas, women are actually earning more than what their male colleagues are making 

·         But in most cities, men continue to outpace women when it comes to wages

·         The greatest wage disparities were in cities in the Midwest and South 

·         Nationally, women 30 and younger are making an average of 93 cents for every dollar made by a comparable man

·         When accounting for all men and women - regardless of age - the number dropped to 82 cents per every dollar

·         That is up from the 77 cents per dollar in 2018 

GMA, For red and blue America, a glaring divide in COVID-19 death rates persists 2 years later  An ABC News analysis of federal data found that on average, the death rates in states that voted for Trump were more than 38% higher than in states that voted for Biden, post widespread vaccine availability. In addition, in the 10 states with the lowest percentage of full vaccinations, death rates were almost twice as high as that of states with the highest vaccination rates, the analysis found.

While worldwide death totals were greater for the 1918 Spanish flu than for Covid, the sheer number of deaths in the US were fewer in 1918, about 675,000 compared to a total now approaching 1 million, the highest of any country in the world. Will we get to 1 million? Unfortunately, the answer is probably “yes.”  

NBC News, Two cousins, 12 and 14, killed while playing with gun on Instagram Live, family says

As US statistics show year after year, personal firearms in the home kill more family members by far than any surprise intruders. It’s very rare that a personal firearm proves protective.

“I made a hole-in-one,” Donald Trump bragged. Could he really be telling the truth this time? Trump described himself as a "very modest individual" who dislikes those who brag.

Heaven forbid if Trump should run for president again and actually win! Everything must be done to thwart that possibility. Our nation and the world cannot endure 4 more years of a Trump presidency. We already saw what happened last time. Unfortunately, the American electorate is not very savvy in the aggregate and our laws permitting someone to win with a minority of votes is a terrible anomaly. But as long as Republicans enjoy that advantage, they aren’t going to let it go. Putting Trump behind bars is an urgent necessity, even if it further divides the country.

The Week, Hunter Biden was paid millions by Chinese state-linked energy firm, Washington Post report finds

Whether this is an indication of wrongdoing needs to be investigated, but is not necessarily a direct reflection on Joe Biden.

Yahoo News, Trump solicits Putin's help to expose alleged dirt on Hunter Biden 
Hunter Biden’s possible failings are red meat for Donald Trump, revealing him once again to be a petty, ignorant, vindictive man who again wants to become the leader of the “free world,” hoping to use the presidency to get even with his supposed rivals, via their offspring if necessary. How small-minded and childish is that? The worst part is that so many of our fellow citizens still support Trump, as I witnessed myself just now in a visit to W Va. That state actually had sided with the north during the civil war, but now Confederate flags abound there, as well as Trump signs.

Before I left for W Va., Ukrainian flags were out in my DC neighborhood and I even saw a woman walking her dog and carrying a Ukrainian flag. 

Then my next-door neighbors put up a Ukrainian flag and my daughter in Hawaii sent a photo of one on their garage door. 

In West Va., I saw Ukrainian flags as well as for the Confederacy and yellow and blue balloons. It's amazing how quickly support for Ukraine has grown.  

The US Admitted a Group of Russians at the Border Under Secret Deal With Mexico
The Administration probably didn’t want this information to get out to avoid having more Russians flocking to the US-Mexico border. What magic is supposed to happen to someone after crossing that border? I’ve seen unrealistic expectations incentivizing border crossers from all over Latin America and the world. (I once worked as an interpreter at asylum hearings for Spanish speakers.) Some have lost limbs or even their lives during the trek north. Are we who were actually born here enjoying such a fairytale existence? How Biden has only taken in SEVEN Ukrainian refugees while rest of the West has welcomed more than 3.1 million: ICE are 'detaining' relatives trying to get to American families and hundreds are stuck at the southern border.

Red tape and long waits: US visas remain out of reach for Ukrainian refugees

Multiple programs with varying thresholds of eligibility mar attempts by many to gain visas.

Reuters, U.S. lets Ukrainians fleeing war into United States from Mexico [March 17, finally!]

In the rest of Latin America:

Department of State offers $10 million reward for Guatemalan kingpin | Daily Mail Online

Cuba People line up for gas in Havana, Cuba, March 21, 2022. Hours-long lines formed at gas stations in Cuba´s capital Havana on Monday after local media reported rationing of fuel in at least one province amid a biting economic crisis that has already left food and medicine in short supply across the island. Geobel Quintero, a program coordinator for the Matanzas provincial government, told local media that rationing had begun in that province on Sunday but downplayed the problem, blaming the shortfall primarily on distribution issues. "This is not a consequence of a fuel deficit in the country," Quintero told state-owned provincial newspaper Giron. 

Reuters, Cuban anti-government protesters get up to 30 years behind bars [March 17, 2022]

Reuters, Seven U.S. members of Congress call on Biden to withdraw support for Haiti's Henry

Reuters, Haiti protesters burn plane belonging to U.S. missionary group


NY Times, Honduran Supreme Court Ratifies U.S. Extradition Request of Ex-President [Juan Orlando Hernandez, the former president of Honduras is finally getting extradited to the US where he may join his brother in prison. My Honduran friends are glad to see this.]

Far from Ukraine and the rest of the world, and setting aside W Va. local politics, I had a delightful visit there, celebrating my son’s birthday and my own, only 2 days apart. 

We received a nice bouquet of flowers. 

Before I left home for W. Va., a very thoughtful neighbor gave me a framed picture of me with my granddaughter. It now sits on my living room mantle.

I also had received numerous birthday greetings in Spanish as well as English. 

I duly watered my houseplants before leaving.

My son has new job at a local hotel and he also walks dogs for friends and helps them with home projects. 

Below are some local W Va. scenes.

On my recent birthday, I heard as well from my daughters and granddaughter. My daughter living in Honolulu doesn’t look her age. I used to look rather youthful myself, up until the last few years. My very artistic daughter said she’d made me a special birthday card, but it never arrived. However, I’ll share here some photos of her and of her biology-themed sewing projects. She and other women also do a synchronized roller-skating dance routine to music. That she can still do a split at her age is amazing (I won’t reveal her age). She is a biologist, inspired by Hawaii's natural beauty. She fashions many items for friends.


Here is my daughter with her girl roller skating buddies. Below, there she is again.

While looking for these photos, I found some really old ones, including this below of my Hawaii skater at the center of this photo, with her older sister on the left and her cousin on the right. 

I also ran across this photo below of my son Jonathan as a toddler with his cousin and then a more recent one of them together, with Jon on the right.

One of my nephews is a completely self-taught natural artist, much more successful in selling his work than some folks I know with university art degrees. He has a unique abstract style. Here is a card announcing his recent exhibit.

Lots of unsolicited ads or notices this time (our life is an open book)

How to survive after the loss of a child


libertad de asociación en América Latina


¿Arrepentimiento, perdón y reconciliación?


Legalización de ONG nicaragüenses son el precedente de restricción del espacio cívico más grave en la región

Envía Antecedentes

Adiós al Estrés

Relájate y Disfruta

Evento o destino de interés

Aprende Jardinería

Formulario de interés

Asadores Eléctricos

 Gestión del Talento Directivo - Formación y Entrenamiento


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Clocking Out, Spring Has Sprung, Job Hunters’ Market, Retirement, Smollett, Ukraine Conflict, Latin America

Why do we have to change our clocks twice a year? In Latin America, even in Argentina and Chile at some distance from the equator, we never did. Why not just stay with the same clock all year round?

The Week, The Senate just voted to abolish Standard Time and make Daylight Saving Time permanent

Now can the House please follow suit?

The day before the clock changeover, our spring weather suddenly turned to snow showers, dusting flowers just poking up. And what about the cherry blossoms? The festival starts here on March 20. Fortunately, the weather had warmed up by today, St. Patrick’s Day, March 17. 

The Peace Corps held a virtual job fair for returned volunteers on March 16. 
The DC Government Has Over 500 Job Vacancies | DCist
If you’ve been job hunting for a full or part-time position, vacancies do exist here locally and all around the country.

As for myself, I’ve decided now I’ve worked long enough. So I’m not returning to my part-time job as a Spanish interpreter, left in early 2020 just before my last volunteer trip to Honduras in Feb./March of that year. I no longer care to use public transportation to get to local interpretation assignments nor does online translation appeal to me, so I’ve finally called it quits on working altogether.
Although I’m now officially retired, family and friends still keep me busy and personally connected. As per my occupational therapist friends, I find myself never getting bored, always being engaged in (subjectively) purposeful activity.

Granted, everything takes me longer than before and I’m not in such a hurry. Back in the day, as a single parent working fulltime and commuting daily to Maryland, feeding my brood, making sure they all did their homework and brushed their teeth, I never got enough sleep. Now I can read in bed, listen to the radio (no TV), or even close my eyes early, a great luxury. Whatever is left undone can always be done tomorrow. 

Whether I’ll ever return as a volunteer interpreter and helper to Honduras is still an open question. I’ve just given away the wheelchair I was saving in my basement for Honduras “next time,” as someone here really needed it.

Meanwhile, my advanced age must be an open secret, as I keep getting offers to buy my house in the mail, also sometimes via calls on my unlisted phone number promising “all cash.” I suspect I’m not alone in being bombarded with such unsolicited offers. No thanks, my house is not for sale. If I sold my home, then where would I live? If housing is in such demand, I’d be out of luck myself finding another abode in this very historic and convenient neighborhood where I’ve lived now for more than half a century.

Daily Beast, Toddler Accidentally Kills Young Mom in Food-4-Less Parking Lot

It’s happened again, a 3-year-old boy finds a gun in the car, pulls the trigger, and kills his mother.

Here’s an interesting twist on assisted reproduction:

Atlanta Black Star, ‘I Want a Black Child’: Black Sperm and Egg Donors Shortage Creates Stumbling Block for Black Women Already Facing Infertility Disparity

The Conversation, Sperm from older rats passes on fewer active genes to offspring because of epigenetic changes

Whether these changes result in more health problems in offspring and whether the findings might apply to children of older human fathers remains to be seen, but still needs to be investigated, since the average age of American fathers is increasing (and of mothers, as well).

The pandemic continues, though at a slower pace right now. Are we even paying attention?

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Deltacron COVID: What is this new variant, and should we be worried?


MarketWatch, China battles multiple COVID outbreaks, driven by stealth omicron

Yahoo Entertainment, Jussie Smollett begins serving 150-day jail sentence

After being given a short jail term, Smollett repeatedly told the court not only that he is innocent, but that he is not suicidal. That’s a red flag, showing that suicide is definitely on his mind, so he needs to be watched very carefully while in custody. His convoluted plot to boost his sagging popularity failed spectacularly.


Daily News, Jussie Smollett put in psych ward after being deemed a self-harm risk, his brother says

The brother disputes that Jussie would harm himself, but I’d already deemed him at risk, writing the item above before learning of the jail’s precautions. Jail staff don’t dare take chances with a high-profile prisoner like Jussie Smollett.


Now after just 6 days in custody, Smollett is out on a technicality. His career will not recover, but like Bill Cosby, he may now be able to live outside of prison. Those with sufficient resources to hire lawyers can sometimes escape the consequences of their actions.

Business Insider, Trump: 'In the history of our country, nothing like me has ever happened'

Too true, but fortunately, he is an outlier; Donald Trump is right about that. His star does seem to be fading now, though not totally sputtered out as yet. It could still revive, as the hard core remains ever faithful, making it hard for other Republicans to challenge him. Trump has been busy collecting campaign contributions illegally without not declaring his candidacy, just teasing a 2024 run. Will he give the money back if he doesn’t run? Don’t bet on it.

Mr. Trump has just said again that he had a great victory in the 2020 election, even “beyond anybody’s wildest expectation.” Since he was sitting president at the time, how could that election possibly have been “stolen”? Has a US presidential election ever been stolen and, if so, when and exactly how? Sounds like wishful thinking, as he really wishes he could be universally popular. Trump also recently touted his own “high aptitude for music.” Who knew?  Vladimir Putin must have something on The Donald since Trump has been so hesitant to criticize him.


While the US is trying to work out the delicate reestablishment of the nuclear deal with Iran, which Trump had so impulsively and thoughtlessly pulled out of, the war in Ukraine is now proving to be a distraction and complication in remedying his mistake.


Saudi Arabia carried out 81 executions on March 12, a record number. The US dares not condemn the kingdom too harshly right now in the wake of the boycott of Russian oil. The US is also cozying up again to Venezuela for the same reason.


While public attention has been turning elsewhere, Covid is still with us. The war in Ukraine may trigger an even further spread.


Miami Herald, College athlete dies after long battle with COVID in Arkansas. ‘Special beyond measure’

Apparently, he was unvaccinated. Some 65% of the US population are now fully vaccinated (2 shots), but that’s not enough.


AP, China tightens controls as more virus cases reported

China, where it all started, is having Covid outbreaks again. The virus could also come roaring back. More contagious variants seem to be emerging.


Wash. Post, Mississippi lawmakers just killed a bill that would expand postpartum care If Mississippi lawmakers really want to help the unborn, they also need to offer more help to the already born. Yet, they recently defeated such efforts.

Afghanistan is all but forgotten now, although we haven’t yet finished resettling Afghan refugees here in the US. That was last year’s international crisis. Before that, it was Ethiopia/Eritrea. Ukrainian refugees have not yet gotten the green light to come to the US, though Europe has opened its doors.

Daily Mail, Ukrainian refugees are being turned AWAY at the southern border because Biden has carried on Trump's Title 42 policy expelling immigrants because of COVID restrictions, lawyers reveal

The Biden administration needs to remedy this without further delay! Little Guatemala is already taking in Ukrainian refugees, but, of course, here in the US, if we open the door even a crack, a flood will rush in.

Biden administration looking for ways to help Ukrainian refugees join family members in the US

Vladimir Putin is being accused of “war crimes” in Ukraine, but isn’t launching a war in itself a crime? It should be. Putin seems bent on restoring the old Soviet empire. 

From Amnesty International USA: Our Crisis Evidence Lab and the crisis researchers we’ve deployed have been collecting evidence and verifying attacks on civilians in real time. We are now urging the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate a recent Russian air strike that killed 47 civilians in the city of Chernihiv as a war crime.

Reuters, Russia says nearly half its reserves are frozen, counts on ties with China

The US and European allies have taken an unconventional approach to waging war on Russia, not through the use of physical weapons but mostly through economic sanctions that impact ordinary Russian citizens in the pocketbook.


Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky now seems to be losing his appetite for having his country join the European Union or NATO. It might be better to wait until after Putin dies, assuming that another autocrat doesn’t succeed him. Putin has made his point and maybe a simple promise not to formally join Europe, at least in the near future, will be enough to allow Putin to save face and pull his forces out of Ukraine without grabbing more territory. His forces have not enjoyed an easy victory and the sanctions on Russia are beginning to bite. Some young Russian conscripts probably wonder why they are even there, attacking neighbors who look a lot like themselves. The idea that Ukrainians are dangerous Nazis is not very credible. This is not 1939. Of course, if Ukraine were already an EU or NATO member, it would have had more protection against the current onslaught. Fortunately, China has not entered this fray wholeheartedly, but now the West owes something to China. International relations are challenging! But so is everyday life.


Wash. Post, With food supply at risk, Ukrainians recall Stalin’s famine, which killed 4 million of them

Jose Andres of the World Central Kitchen has feeding operations going in Ukraine and its border areas. Food is so basic to survival.


Wash. Post, Harvard teens made a website matching Ukrainian refugees with people offering places to stay

Some 4,000 potential hosts responded.


Business Insider, American journalist killed in Ukraine 'paid his life' for covering war, Kyiv police chief says

His name was Brent Renaud. 


Wash. Post, Despite risks and official warnings, U.S. veterans join Ukrainian war effort

MarketWatch, Ukraine says fourth Russian general has been killed in combat


AP, Pentagon rejects NATO nations providing jets to Ukraine

The Pentagon ...slammed the door on any plans to provide MiG fighter jets to Ukraine, even through a second country, calling it a “high-risk” venture that would not significantly change the effectiveness of the Ukrainian Air Force.

The nuclear threat and Putin’s erratic and obsessive actions make the odds of getting into a hot war too risky. Hard as it is to stand by for now, Biden is correct in not taking that chance despite Russian atrocities in Ukraine.


AP, Warsaw overwhelmed as it becomes key refugee destination

As of March 11, more than 1.4 million Ukrainian refugees had arrived in Poland, most of them in Warsaw. By now, some 2 million are there. Some are also ending up in Hungary, the home country of a former housemate. It cannot be good for Covid control to have so many people on the move and sheltering in crowded conditions.


Lately, Ukrainian zoos have come to mind, hardly a priority during wartime or other human hardships. But I cannot forget visiting a very derelict Havana zoo during the 1990s “special period” as the only paying customer. The weary zoo keeper working there alone confessed that many animals had been euthanized because it was just impossible to feed them. Only a few still remained. I wonder what’s happened now in Ukrainian zoos?

The CDC has issued a statement that unaccompanied noncitizen children will not be expelled from the United States under its orders.

This announcement will incentivize parents and caregivers of small children living in Latin America and around the world to again start dropping their kids alone over the border wall. The mystique of an abundant and carefree life in the USA is so strong that they would risk their children’s lives. Are we who are already living here experiencing such a vaunted fairytale existence?


Miami Herald, Not one Latin American nation is on Putin’s list of ‘unfriendly countries.’ Isn’t that sad? | Opinion


The Guardian, Bolivian soldier who killed Che Guevara dies at age 80

Mario Terán pulled the trigger to execute famed revolutionary guerrilla: ‘It was the worst moment of my life.’

Che was more ideological and ruthless even than Fidel, also reportedly more charismatic, so some have speculated that Fidel sent him to Bolivia to get him out of the way. Some Cubans have told me that Fidel actually arranged for his murder, then eulogized roundly him after his death. His image still remains on a prominent building in Havana’s Plaza de la Revolución. 

From CADAL, María Matienzo: «From the official discourse, there is a tendency to justify the Russian invasion»

There is a complicity between Cuba and Russia, and the same goes for Nicaragua and Venezuela in Latin America. María Matienzo tells Jorge Elías in Cuarto de Hora how the political propaganda of the Diaz Canel regime supplies the information on the island. «The position has so far been to justify this invasion with the supposed threat that Ukraine posed to Russia,» says Maria, among many other things. From the repercussions that remain in force on the island since 11J*, political propaganda, the criminalization of any action in favor of democracy, hunger, forced disappearances, beatings and imprisonments for the simple fact of thinking differently to government ineffectiveness. «There has been a lot of terror and, as this is an island, there is nowhere to run,» she concludes.

(*July 11, when Cubans took to the streets all over the island)


The Barron's Daily A popular Cuban television presenter has said he left the communist island nation and is heading for the United States, issuing a strong rebuke of the government he previously defended. "My journey began like that of thousands of other Cubans who in recent months... decided to leave to escape from so much rotten shit, from lies and from hopelessness," Yuninho Rodriguez said in a Facebook message posted on Thursday from Mexico. Rodriguez, a young Afro-Cuban, used the stage name Junior Smith on Cuba's national news program. He said in his post that he had been a true believer in the system of the Americas' only one-party communist state, but became disillusioned because of economic hardships and a government crackdown on protesters last summer. Cuba is facing its worst economic crisis in 30 years, due in part to the drop in tourism during the Covid-19 pandemic and the tightening of a US embargo, which further exacerbated food and medicine shortages. Rodriguez also lamented "social gaps, hunger and huge lines" for food.


Reuters, Cubans protest at Havana embassy as Panama tightens visa requirements

NY Post, Border agents apprehend 123 migrants after sailboat runs aground off Florida Keys [from Haiti]

AP, UK court blocks gay marriage for Cayman Islands, Bermuda

Citing 'Hopelessness,' Popular Cuban TV Presenter Heads To US

By AFP - Agence France Press

Reuters, Guatemala receives first arrivals of Ukrainians fleeing conflict |

That's pretty amazing. What a culture shock for Ukrainians and vice versa. They’ll be happy to get to a warm climate. The US has not yet stepped up to take in Ukrainian refugees, but will have to be very careful about opening up the floodgates to Ukrainians. If any are allowed in, many more will press to follow.


AP, Vatican in 'pain' at Nicaragua expulsion of papal nuncio


AP, Opposition figures including Chamorro convicted in Nicaragua


Washington Post, Nicaraguan presidential candidate Cristiana Chamorro convicted in crackdown on opposition

She faces 13 years in prison.


AFP, Honduras burns more than 8 tonnes of cocaine seized from cartels


A guy who probably helped make drug trafficking profitable was former Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez, who is now to be extradited to the US where his brother is already in prison on drug charges.

Honduras judge approves extradition of ex-president


USA Today, Researchers discover new species of rainbow-colored fairy fish in ocean 'twilight zone'

The fish has been discovered in the deep ocean off the Maldives. 


My generous friend and neighbor tried out her gourmet cooking on me again. I am more than willing to give my feedback. 

My older daughter came across a photo of me with my son taken years ago. 



[Wow! Lots of ads this time! Have been seeing ads pop up for both hair curling and straightening irons. It would seem that one tool could do both, but apparently not.

I’ve clicked on some ads just to see what they are, which probably incentivizes them.].

¿Cuánto vale mi empresa ahora?  

Estudio Jurídico 


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