CNN, More than a third of the US population, from the Midwest to the East Coast, under air quality alerts from Canadian wildfire smoke
Wash. Post, Wildfire smoke puts Chicago among cities with worst air quality in the world Smoke attributed to Canadian fires diminished here in DC with rain in recent days, but Chicago remained hazy. And after the rain had cleared it in DC, the smoke was back again.
Wash. Post, Canada
wildfire smoke is drifting from the Midwest to the East Coast
Yes, we here in DC already knew this.
Wash. Post, Heat, smoke smother most of U.S., putting lives at risk
According to another article in the Washington Post, people over 75 (that’s me) are likely to still have landlines, which have certain advantages. Cellphones are harder to operate (I never got the hang of a borrowed hand-me-down cell) and are not as useful in an emergency. Of course, with only a landline, I have no phone service when away from home, but I can live with that, as I’m always with someone else with a cellphone. And I do have a computer for internet access, also for posting this blog.
What else has been happening in our neighborhood?
Below, a local family celebrates the arrival of a summer visitor.
Hawks are also visitors, as well as vultures; can wildlife and humans coexist in a city?
A neighbor shows off her garden.
A neighborhood artist artist entitled his piece "Mother Africa."
Creative hairstyles have been on display.
Malaria has been found in the US after being gone for 2 decades. A person can get malaria more than once and I’ve had it more than twice, but hope never to get it again.
A friend in Canada told me about Canada Day celebrated on July 1st. She sent me a link, but I never got to see it, since when I clicked on it, very aggressive spyware took over my whole computer. I had to call a technician, as shutting the computer down didn't help. After that, I Googled Canada Day and found this: "Celebrates the anniversary of the Canadian Confederation which occurred on July 1, 1867.”
Times, How Migrants Flown to Martha’s Vineyard Came to Call It Home
Florida flew 49 migrants
from Texas to the liberal enclave last year. Some of them have found work, friends and a new life on
the wealthy island.
Telegraph, Gender dysphoria emerging five years sooner than in
This is happening mainly happening in the US and Britain, countries where gender changes have started being initiated at even younger ages and with ever greater frequency. Gender dysphoria is quite rare or even non-existent in a country like Afghanistan and uncommon in many developing nations, as it was also in our country until just recently. Now social contagion has made transgenderism a popular personal option for ever more young people. If you are unhappy in life, being born into the wrong gender could seem to be the cause, so switching genders may seem the best remedy. Yet even famous sex-change pioneer Christine Jorgensen tried going back to being male after "transitioning" before returning again to a female presentation. So even someone like Jorgensen, world famous for making a gender change, who wrote a best-selling autobiography about, and often appeared in public and on TV, still sometimes had doubts about his/her true gender identity.
CNN, Transgender people face significantly higher suicide
risk, Danish study finds The
study did not pinpoint a cause. Is it because those who feel compelled
to change their gender expression are already emotionally unstable or is it
because they face social isolation and rejection, or both? It would appear that
a gender change may not have given many the satisfaction they had hoped for. ("Multi-gender”
has also become a recognized term.)
Very rarely, someone is actually born with ambiguous physical gender traits, which parents often try to have remedied early on, thereby making a gender choice for the child. Hermaphrodite animals with organs of both genders have rarely conceived spontaneously but, in those few cases, have given birth to male offspring. This has not happened in humans, who usually have been surgically assigned to one gender early on and are often sterile.
Reuters, Mexico City holds mass celebration for same-sex
weddings, gender ID changes
Mexico City seems to be leading the way for social changes that may spread throughout that country, then beyond to the rest of Latin America. Humans are social beings and social trends are typically adopted via example and advocacy. The internet has made that advocacy much easier than ever to find and to attract adherents
Defense of abortion has become widespread here in the US and also in some other developed countries, but that could change due to countervailing pressures to keep overall national population growth steady and avoid letting population become top-heavy at older ages, as previously mentioned. Abortion laws have now been tightened in some states, creating a sharp divide.
A six-week abortion ban is being proposed in some red states. That limit would still allow most of today’s abortions, being done at home privately with pills. Those would be hard to stop anyway. Medical necessity may then be spelled out for other abortions performed in hospitals or clinics. Some states are moving in that direction.
has seized on “abortion rights” as a promising re-election campaign issue. He
now lost my support with his very aggressive ”Restore Roe” campaign, although
my own vote may not be missed. He was not always “pro-choice,” but considers that
a winning issue now. Maybe so. He is riding a wave, but probably as more
becomes known about fetal development, a fetus will come to be increasingly recognized
as human, although Biden has indicated he does not consider a fetus human until
a live baby is actually born. Does breathing air make a baby human? I voted for
Biden last time, but since I won’t vote Republican, I’ll just sit out the vote this
time. Not all Democrats are “pro-choice,” Mr. Biden.
To maintain a steady US population, Biden needs to let up on the abortion rhetoric after the election and also find ways to offer more support to families with children, something he actually has tried to do. Guaranteed parental leave for pregnancy and birth would help female workers who don’t feel able to afford taking time off for a pregnancy.
Wash. Post, D.C. bill would mandate insurance, Medicaid coverage for infertility Such a measure would aid population maintenance, as well as help individual families. There seems little danger of ever incentivizing population growth to reach Malthusian levels.
It would also be helpful for maintaining US population and increasing talent retention if foreign students attending our universities were provided with more leeway and pathways to remain in the US should they want to stay rather than often being forced to leave the country. I’ve known and hosted many such students myself, very reluctant to leave but who would have benefited our nation. Some had even contemplated entering sham marriages, but were unable to find willing partners.
lifestyle now trending on social media has been made possible by modern
contraception, as well as voluntary sterilization.
AP Moneywise, No kids to feed, but lots of money': This 'DINK'
couple went viral after showing off their $253 Costco haul — included popcorn,
shrimp and cookies. Childless couples can
sleep in on weekends and afford to splurge on simple pleasures. But some
critics find their behavior shallow and overly self-centered.
Moneywise, ‘Good luck dying alone’: Young couples are
showing off their fabulous 'double-income, no-kids' lifestyles — and suffering
harsh backlash for it. Here are the pros and cons of being a DINK
While being childless allows couples more freedom with fewer financial constraints and obligations, apparently life becomes harder for childless folks as they retire and age, especially after one partner dies or they become unable to take care of themselves anymore.
Moving on now to the international sphere, where, as everywhere, what people actually believe constitutes their reality. Thus, the fairly widespread idea that Vladimir Putin has suffered a defeat in the Wagner affair has diminished his authority and his standing in the world, and perhaps even inside Russia, although nothing concrete has really changed for him. Putin has been revealed as just one mortal man, only as powerful as others think he is. The same goes for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group, a former Putin ally. He was leading 25,000 soldiers on a "march for justice" to Moscow when they all turned back, then Prigozhin announced that he was moving to Belarus. The rumor is that Putin had threatened Wagner leaders' families, so Prigozhin decided to pull back. Will he be safe in Belarus? What is he planning now? Are his rank-and-file followers, since been integrated into the Russian army, still with him? Putin, who had been laying low for a few days, would like to see him dead. As long as Prigozhin is still alive, Putin won’t feel safe himself. Likewise, Prigozhin would probably want to see Putin dead, so each is plotting against the other. This surprise setback may also cause Putin to double down on Ukraine, but without Wagner support, that may be harder to do now. Putin is seeking to restore his image of invulnerability. Time will tell if he proves successful. I’m reminded of the story of the emperor with no clothes, with his associates probably telling Putin that nothing has changed and that he’s still doing great.
CNN, Wagner Group chief will move to Belarus after his rebellious march challenged Putin
Reuters, Russia's Putin says he let mutiny continue to avoid bloodshed Is that really believable? Putin has been trying to appear nonchalant and unconcerned, feigning business as usual.
Popular Mechanics, The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really
Hard. There is evidence of
an exchange of hostilities between Wagner and the Russian air force.
Wash. Post, Rebellion shakes Russian elite’s faith in Putin’s
strength After mutiny, Putin says Wagner can go to Belarus, go
home or fight for Russia. Prigozhin’s rebellion raises questions about Wagner’s
African footprint.
NY Times, Yevgeny Prigozhin’s deep connections among the Russian elite are complicating Vladimir Putin’s response to his revolt
Wash. Post, Lukashenko claims he persuaded Putin not to kill Wagner boss Prigozhin
Reuters, Scuffles, arrests as Israelis protest judicial overhaul Many Israelis are not ready to give up their protests.
CNN, Land deal in Jerusalem pits Armenian Christians against
religious leader Christian leaders
agreed to a deal that their followers reject. They fear losing their homes and
way of life.
These kittens are not lost, just looking for a "forever" home.