Sunday, November 13, 2022

Lunar Eclipse, Standard Time, Looking Back and Ahead, Mid-Term Elections, Bye-bye Donald Trump

Last Tues. morning, if you got up while it was still dark, you might have seen a total lunar eclipse. The moon was barely visible over our nearby capitol building.

                    A friend and neighbor took this photo of the Bethune statue in Lincoln Park.

On Friday evening, Nov. 4, I went out to the mailbox 2 blocks away. When I tried to send a letter down the metal chute, it got stuck on a sticky substance apparently put there to snag mail. I unstuck the mailing to insert it beyond the chute. Next time, I’ll go to the Post Office instead. LifeHacker, Avoid Using Blue Mailboxes During the Holidays, USPS Warns

It’s been annoying to have to change clocks twice a year, so why not stick with the same time all year long-- either Daylight or Standard time?

Trees are shedding leaves and also budding, confused about the season.
I’ve not only seen raccoons running along my fence (even after the mulberry tree they climbed was cut down), but also an occasional possum, though never a mother possum like this one with all her young on her back. 
 Pottery on the Hill hosted a reception on Nov. 11 and has a show and sale going on right now Nov. 11-13.

 In-person events are returning, virus or not, including at the Botanic Gardens 

The stigmas of the Crocus Sativus flower produce saffron used especially in Persian cooking.

It’s time now for traditional holiday goodies. 

                                                I love watermelon, even in winter. 

Fifty years ago in this season, I recall giving birth to my younger daughter at GW Hospital here in DC. I won’t mention the exact date for her privacy. I’m still here, living in the very same house. Here below is a photo of my 2 daughters as children wearing matching outfits that my mother made. 

Another family photo includes a blond girl whose name I don’t recall. On the left is my late Cuban foster son, Alex, while my dearly departed son Andrew is missing from this photo. I fondly remember those times when my kids were young. My life cannot have been easy then, as I was a single parent without adequate support, either in terms of finances or of children’s visitation with their father, so the whole burden of care fell on me. But my memories are of happy times.
While it’s not Thanksgiving yet, it sounds like Trump’s goose is cooked, so we have something to be thankful for. Overnight, Trump may have lost both legal protections and public support as a potential presidential candidate. Many in his inner circle will bear the brunt of his fury in the wake of his political demise, including the unfortunate Melania. Others have already jumped ship. Daughter Ivana checked out long ago. Trump is now blaming McConnell, while insisting that he’s not angry about the election outcome, since he still is—as he has reminded us—“a very stable genius.” Now he’s bent on trying to spoil DeSantis’s chances.

Below, daughter Melanie more recently with family friend who has died.

Hey, Democrats did OK in the midterm elections! Winning the Senate is a big victory for Democrats and for Biden, while Republicans still look likely to prevail in the House.

Muriel Bowser won an unprecedented 3rd term as DC mayor, certainly her last. 

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now seen as a serious rival to Trump for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 and probably would have a better chance of actually winning (unfortunately). He has handily won re-election as governor of Florida. I had urged my folks there to support Charlie Crist, the losing Democratic gubernatorial candidate, actually a Republican turned Democrat.

DeSantis has become the man of the hour, younger than Trump and seeming a tad brighter. Head-to-head with an 82-year-old Biden, 2 years hence, DeSantis could well prevail. 


Wash. Post, The GOP’s future lies in Florida — but not in Mar-a-Lago

NY Times,

Trump under fire from within GOP after midterms

Donald Trump faced attacks from the GOP for the party's performance after many of the candidates he endorsed lost.

The Hill, Paul Ryan: Republicans are suffering from ‘Trump hangover’

Telegraph, With 95% of votes counted, Senate race between Warnock, Walker too close to call  A December run-off looks likely.

Yahoo News

Crucial Georgia Senate race heads to runoff

The race for Georgia's pivotal Senate seat between Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker won't be decided until December.

Will Democrats still be motivated to vote now that the Senate majority has gone their way?

Donald Trump craves the spotlight and the adulation of his followers, seeking constant praise to support his fragile ego and hide his own intellectual deficiencies. A former TV performer, Trump always urges crowds to cheer him on. But his political star seems finally to be fading. His endorsements in the midterms have, at best, had mixed results. He’d urged the GOP to oust McConnell from a leadership role if Republicans prevailed in the Senate, declaring, ”McConnell has done a very bad job." As usual, he provided no specifics. Trump has also promised to reveal very unflattering “dirt” about DeSantis, probably his most serious presidential rival, while also railing against Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin of Virginia. But is anyone still listening? The New York Post has now dubbed him “Trumpty Dumpty”

While it’s not Thanksgiving yet, it sounds like Trump’s goose is cooked, so we have something to be thankful for. Overnight, Trump may have lost both legal protections and public support as a potential presidential candidate. Many in his inner circle will bear the brunt of his fury in the wake of his political demise, including the unfortunate Melania. Others have already jumped ship. Daughter Ivana checked out long ago. Trump is now blaming McConnell, while insisting that he’s not angry about the election outcome, since he still is—as he has reminded us—“a very stable genius.” Now he’s bent on trying to spoil DeSantis’s chances.  

Daily News, Ohio man kills neighbor because ‘he thought he was a Democrat’


Wash. Post, Prince George’s 8th-grader shot while raking leaves outside his home has died

Why do some folks still support private gun ownership?

ABC News, Student killed in shooting at Seattle high school

Students of high-school age may be safer being home-schooled rather than going out to school, given the easy access to guns in this country and the volatility of teenage boys. Adolescence is a time when young people should be learning how to navigate the world independently, but might be better off staying home if their lives are under threat.

PBS News Hour, House to vote on centuries-old election law overhaul in response to Capitol insurrection Congress is reviewing an arcane law that Trump tried to use to overturn the 2020 election.

Women friends in Honduras who faithfully tuned into a dubbed version of Dr. Oz’s TV program will be sorely disappointed by his election loss.

Yahoo News, Maxwell Frost wins Florida race, becomes 1st Generation Z member of Congress  Frost, a Democrat, is 25 years old.

CNN, Anatomy of a close election: How Americans voted in 2022 vs. 2018

Early exit polls show women and voters of color shifted toward the GOP

Here’s some good news, US extends temporary protected status for El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua and Sudan migrants The US Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Thursday announced that it will extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for people from El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua and Sudan until June 30, 2024. This status was previously set to expire on December 31, 2022.

The Hill, WHO: Global COVID deaths drop 90 percent since February

Exactly why this is happening when much of the world remains unvaccinated and the virus keeps on muting is unclear, but it’s good news nonetheless.

Because Covid has kept evolving, vaccines have had a hard time keeping up. New variants also seem to be remarkably successful in evading existing vaccines. Yet the death total gone down.

USA Today, How was David DePape, suspect in Paul Pelosi attack, able to live in the U.S. without a visa?

2019 analysis by the Center for Migration Studies showed that of the 515,000 unauthorized migrants who entered the U.S. in 2016, 62% overstayed temporary visas, compared to 36% who illegally crossed the border. A 2021 Homeland Security report to Congress showed that the country with the highest number of people overstaying visas in the U.S. in 2020 was Mexico, with 77,494 overstays. Second place: Canada with 57,592.

HuffPost, 'Disgusting': GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Taunts Nancy Pelosi With 'Hammer' Joke Days After Assault Biggs is an Arizona Republican.

NPR, Supreme Court considers fate of landmark Indian adoption law   Roberts and Barrett are both adoptive parents, but unlikely to recuse themselves in this case. The question is should tribes always have priority in the placement of native children? In this case, a little girl, now age 3, has lived since birth with non-native parents and with her bio sibling whom the parents have already legally adopted. Should she now be moved to live with other siblings in a native setting or remain where she is? At this point, in my opinion, she should not be moved, but should have regular visitation with her other siblings now in a native placement. As an adoptive parent and a grandmother myself across ethnic lines, as well as a former board chair of a local adoption agency, I may not have an unbiased view. An emotional connection between parents and children is more important that an ethnic tie in my opinion. A native placement at birth for a native descendant might be preferable in an ideal world, though I’m not even sure about that. I’d like to think ethnic ties are becoming less important, as in my own family.

In reality, there may not be enough native homes approved for adoptive placements. The same issue has arisen with some black children being placed in non-black homes when black adoptive or foster homes are in short supply. There also have been a few foster and adoptive placements of white children in black homes. Yes, ethnic matching may be preferable, but more important is placement of a child in a loving home without undue delay. And since we are moving toward a less race conscious society, then ethnic matching is less crucial—or so many of us hope and believe. However, since ethnic belonging may still be important to many children and adults, then other things being equal, matching the ethnicity of adoptive parents and children might still be desirable. A tension exists between two values: maintaining ethnic identity and having a readily available adoptive home to provide a stable sense of belonging during a child’s early development.

Wash. Post, Big Ben bongs again five years and $95 million later  Big Ben has undergone a renovation.

NY Times, For Biden and Xi, a Long Relationship With Rising Mutual Suspicion

On Monday, President Biden and Xi Jinping will hold face-to-face talks for their first time as national leaders on the sidelines of the G-20 summit in Bali. (“Sidelines” can sometimes turn out to be more crucial than planned meetings and in-person meetings may be as important for diplomacy as for any other endeavor.)

CNN, Anti-Xi protest spreads in China and worldwide as Chinese leader begins third term

During climate talks taking place in Egypt, president Abdel Al-Sisi, expressed concern about overpopulation, advising couples to have “less than one” child in an apparent reference to South Korea’s average of less than one child per woman of childbearing age, which that Asian country’s leadership considers a serious problem. Egypt’s current average family has 3.4 children, still less than in previous generations, but more than the 2.1 needed to keep overall population steady. Photos below are of an Egyptian family, downtown Cairo, and more Egyptian kids.

This event has passed but is still worth mentioning. Amnesty International: ANNOUNCEMENT OF NOVEMBER 10 DAY OF SOLIDARITY We are announcing an urgent call for a Global Day of Solidarity with Egypt’s political prisoners on Thursday, November 10, 2022, during the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh. We will join a growing number of civil society organizations, activists, and public figures in wearing white — the color worn by Egypt’s tens of thousands of wrongfully detained individuals — and sharing messages of solidarity in person and on social media.

Wash. Post, Ukraine military enters Kherson city, accelerating a major defeat for Russia

A devastated Kherson has been liberated by Ukrainian forces after a long siege.

 NY Times, Ukraine Rushes Supplies to Kherson as Military Assesses Destruction After nearly nine of months of occupation, officials are examining the damage to the city they reclaimed days ago from Russian troops.

Wash. Post, Dissent spreads in Russia over heavy death toll in Ukraine

This is not the old USSR, so Putin needs to pay more heed to his citizens, who have access to more information than his government provides. Too many young Russian soldiers are dying, but for what?

Ukrainska Pravda, Russia suddenly announces its readiness for negotiations "taking into account current state of affairs"

Ukraine may have to give up something and Russia as well, but the senseless killing and destruction needs to stop.


The Guardian, Nigerian politician accused of trying to bring boy, 15, to UK to harvest organs

Organ harvesting exposés appear periodically. The only way organ harvesting can work without killing the donor is by only taking one kidney or part of a liver, as the liver can regenerate.

A male-to-female trans activist, Melissa Núñez, age 42, after 20 years in the US, was deported to Honduras and gunned down shortly after arriving there.
The Advocate, Deported Trans Activist Murdered in the Street

Droughts, rising seas put Cuba's agriculture under threat Agriculture is one of the least government-controlled sectors of the Cuban economy. The communist government initially tried to control agriculture but anemic food production forced it to ease up, as farmers resisted by not putting in the required effort. Even now, Cuba is not self-sufficient in food and must import a considerable amount of food from the US, paying in cash because the US embargo does not allow credit, which is the main effect of the embargo on Cuba. (Also, Cuba doesn’t faithfully pay its bills.)

Miami Herald, Lopez Obrador is threatening Mexico’s democracy. It’s time for Biden to break his silence | Opinion

Andres Oppenheimer (I’ve asked friends who are dual citizens living part of each year in Mexico to comment.)

The abortion issue may have helped Democrats in the midterms, as it’s often regarded as a matter of woman’s personal freedom and equality. But what about men and their responsibility for unwanted pregnancies? I admit to still being an outlier among Democrats on abortion; I just don’t get the rationale behind abortion advocacy when there are so many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies before an individual human has actually already started growing and developing. Although we cannot see that incipient individual, starting out as we all have, I still say, let him or her keep on growing to live and emerge among us. The only way to stop that early life is frankly to kill it, which is what abortion does. Unless a woman is raped, she consents to sex and should know, unless she is sterile, that pregnancy is always possible, that she is taking a chance. In contrast, celibacy, contraception, and sterilization only prevent possible theoretical persons, not specific individuals.

Here’s a case of a baby who turned out not to be theoretical.

Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Husband secretly drugged pregnant wife’s drinks to cause abortion, Texas officials say

After a woman took a sip from the cup her husband offered, she became ill and was hospitalized, but managed to carry her pregnancy to term and give birth to a healthy baby. She later found out that her husband had tried to induce a miscarriage using a Mexican abortion-causing drug.

NY Times, ROSS DOUTHAT What the Pro-Life Movement Lost and Won

This photo of pro-life demonstrators in 2020 includes a woman on the far left, perhaps not noticed by other viewers. But since I was married for 24 years to a man who was blind, I immediately noticed her and her white cane, out there advocating for the value of her own life as a disabled person. 

A photo in the Wash. Post apparently shows abortion clinic staffers applauding an abortion patient. How about applauding mothers who every day give birth, then care for a child for the long haul? How about applauding and helping out those actual mothers? When I was raising 4 kids—5 with my Cuban foster son—as a single working parent, I certainly could have used both more financial support and more everyday practical assistance, as the kids’ dad and his second wife did not offer them visitation. On my missions abroad, I needed to hire substitute caregivers. Those of us growing older now and all of us as citizens of our nation and of the world do need to make sure enough younger people keep on coming along by supporting their mothers both financially and by providing respite care.  

An ancient ivory comb’s inscription has just been deciphered about its intended use for removing lice. Found in south-central Israel in 2017, the comb is estimated to date back almost 3,800 years to 1700 BCE, a time when men used such combs to tidy up their hair and beards. Humans and lice have continued to co-exist ever since. Images of the ancient comb and an Oneida Indian pipe returned to the tribe along with 1,500 other artifacts are refusing to be pasted here now, so will just have to be imagined. Maybe there are too many images in this posting? So time to wrap this up! 


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