Friday, August 4, 2023

Seeking my equilibrium after bank account theft


Life can become complicated! Just an update on my ongoing bank fraud case: we are proceeding methodically, but certainly it was a shock to discover that I’ve been robbed systematically over the past year by a woman whose name is totally unfamiliar to me. My social security has been paused. So far, some lost funds have been recovered, but not all. How did she do it? My best advice is to keep a close eye on your finances, even when that may get complicated. It’s not the worst thing that’s ever happened to me and my family, but certainly bad enough. I’m still upset and picking up the pieces. It doesn’t help that I also let FIOS change my phone system meanwhile, which has caused further complications.

My younger daughter living in Hawaii has done an awesome job trying to get me back on track in this situation. If anyone knows the perpetrator of my fraud and how she might have gotten into my debit account, please let me know. I did pay some bills by check, so the account number was on my checks and she may have had occasion to see my checks. Her name is Laela Jane Turner, 4400 Telfair Blvd, Apt. 3064, Suitland, MD 20746.  

When my phone system irreversibly changed after the Fios guy came out, I had to get a whole new set of phones compatible with the new system as there was no going back. These new phones are confusing and hard for me to operate. I have no idea how to retrieve messages. It’s difficult as we get older to learn new skills. And I am now left with several perfectly good phones no longer useful, 2 just bought new this year. If anyone needs a perfectly good standard phone, much easier to use than my new ones, just let me know and they are yours. But even at age 85, I am determined to learn to use the very different phones that I have now, the only ones compatible with my new Fios system. Same phone number, but only 3 phones now instead of 4, one on each floor. 

Social Security has withheld my monthly benefit, but promises to restore it by Oct. Some of the stolen funds have been replaced, but not all. I have to start all over rebuilding my financial life.

District flag

Venezuelan family of 5 is welcomed by a local resident. 

For us here in DC and elsewhere around the world, recent weather has been abnormally hot, including in the southern hemisphere now in its winter season. Residents are even fleeing Miami, below, which is losing population for the first time,

                                A female sea otter in California cooled it on a stolen surf board.

              My central A/C has not been working, but I do have this portable unit in my bedroom. 

Our long heat wave was broken my a fierce Sat. night storm that toppled trees in my neighborhood. 

Below, double rainbow came out after rain stopped.

                                Honduran friends came over to help me clean up my yard.

                                    I invited them to lunch at a local Hispanic restaurant. 
                                    Below, an odd plant growing now in a pot on my sunporch. 

                                         My great-grandson visited again from Florida. 

         A friend originally from Puerto Rico has several grandchildren, including these little girls.

                                           Honduran friends are saying, "Please come back."

                                            Here below, photos from my trip to Honduras in July 2022.

Below, from East City Art, a local arts venue, Mourning My Childbearing Self by Zsudayka Nzinga Terrell. This image appeals to me and somehow has lifted my spirits.

Another featured art work is Shine On, by local artist Denise Wamaling.

DC artist Michelle Turner likes drawing houses.

My son's family, who spent 5 months with him in W. Va., but returned to Hawaii, are now not responding to calls or letters. What's happened to them? 

A 14-year-old in DC has been arrested and charged with murder for killing a Salvadoran construction worker on the Howard University campus. It was an early-morning drive-by, seemingly a random shooting.

Donald Trump has been indicted for inciting the Jan. 6 attack on the capitol which I personally witnessed. And yet, might Trump actually become president again? A few months ago, that seemed like a ridiculous idea. Now the more charges he faces, the more Trump’s followers seem to rally in his defense. It’s looking increasingly likely that he will be the Republican presidential dominee and if he wins, he’ll be all out to settle scores. Then woe to this country and to the whole world!

White collar workers are resisting a return to the office and even quitting. After enjoying the freedom to work from home, they are reluctant to go back. In the meantime, office culture has suffered. Perhaps a hybrid schedule is now the best compromise.

How would increasing the cost of monthly credit payments help to bring down the price of goods and services in the economy? That seems like a contradiction. But it’s the logic that Federal Reserve officials are following by raising interest rates to 5.5%, their highest point in more than 22 years, to combat inflation that Fed Chair Jay Powell said remains "much too high.” “My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship, especially on those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing and transportation,” Powell said. By making it more expensive for consumers and businesses to borrow money, it hopes to reduce overall economic activity — too much of which tends to cause inflation. For the average consumer, that means higher credit card interest rates, higher auto loan rates, and higher mortgage rates.

Reuters, Canada PM Trudeau and wife Sophie separate after 18 years of marriage This seems an example of social contagion: other people are doing it, so why not us? Life is always challenging, folks, whether you are single, married, divorced, or widowed, and usually a change in marital status does not make a great long-term difference in personal well-being, at least not in my observation and experience. Sometimes, the difference is actually worse.

Reuters, Former Australian childcare worker charged with sexual abuse of 91 children

Years ago, when I was licensing worker for day care, foster care, and residential facilities for children, I was always leery of situations where men were involved in caring for young children. Probably most men are good role models, especially for boys, but some men may seek such nontraditional jobs because of a sexual attraction to children, as in this case. It is exceedingly rare for a female child care worker to sexually abuse a child. I don’t know if this apparently greater abuse propensity among men caring for kids is because testosterone increases their sex drive, or because men are not culturally prepared to be child caregivers, or both. But I know I was never comfortable with men being involved in child care work back when I was tasked with approving such endeavors.

Wash. Post, An abortion ban made them teen parents. This is life two years later. This Texas couple are now married with twin 2-year-old girls. Life is certainly different for them now than if the young mother had gotten an abortion and their daughters had never been born.

Gaston Gazette, Lawsuit targets Gastonia doctor for gender reassignment surgery

Here’s another case of a young person who wanted to change her gender expression, but came to regret it, tried to go back, but found some changes to be irreversible. This happened in No. Carolina, but similar cases can be found elsewhere. Of course, some transgender individuals report to being well satisfied with their choice, but others remain unsure, including even pioneer Christine Jorgensen. who reverted back to being male for a time. Adolescence is often a period of personal exploration when irreversible, often basically cosmetic, bodily changes should probably be avoided. Even women who get breast implants at this time often have them removed later. Any life has enough challenges already without undergoing unneeded surgery. There is no silver bullet for anything. But there are always doctors and surgeons ready to benefit economically from any misguided personal aspiration.

Wash. Post, American nurse and her child are kidnapped in Haiti, nonprofit says

Kenya, being completely out of the Caribbean geographic orbit with no association with French or French Creole languages, now appears as a surprise nation volunteering to take the lead on bringing peace to Haiti.

Wash. Post, GOP lawmakers once praised Catholic Charities. Now they want to defund the group. They object to their helping migrants in any way. Bodies of 2 migrants have been found floating in the Rio Grande.

I had wondered what language Pope Francis normally speaks when giving a sermon or just addressing a crowd in Rome? Turns out to be Italian, which he speaks along with his native Spanish. The 2 languages are similar. I can understand Italian. also Romanian, but cannot speak either one.

NPR’s Sunday evening replay of “true crime” radio dramas from the 1950s and ‘60s on Dragnet triggers memories of a time when cigarettes were freely smoked and openly hyped. (My own ex-husband, my kids' father, died of lung cancer at age 63, after a lifetime of smoking unfiltered Camels.) That was also a time when executions in the gas chamber at San Quentin were routine.

  Pets keep getting lost and sometimes are found by others, so many this time.                                                  

                                                This fox below is not lost, just making a visit. 

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